Our first... and last ... evening at Brooking.
Stark LOVES camping and the beach. This trip was just as much for him as it was for us.
We had foil dinners on the first night, so good. You may notice the "cocoa" pot, my favorite camping supply.
So lots of long stories short: we got rained out of our Brookings campsite. We new it was going to rain but didn't quite expect this. It was great, it added to the fun memories and we explored a lot more because of it.
One of the days it was rainy and stormy. I was thinking our trip was ruined, Chris was thinking this was the perfect day.... to fly a kite of course. Chris had a lot of fun learning to fly his new kite and loved every windy moment. We have even flown it on a few evenings here at the park.
We moved on and camped along the Smith river about 15 miles inland. We had lots of trees, dry weather, and lots of room for Stark to run around but we still didn't want to miss out on our planned activites. We drove back to the coast and had a fun day at the aquariem and the Trees of Mystery.