Wednesday, November 11, 2009


We're not dead, we're just not any fun. Chris is studying and or working EVERY minute he is awake. I'm back up in Washington to work for the next few months. I couldn't stay busy enough with just massage and couldn't find other work either and considering that we still have bills/tuition to pay we figured that I better follow the money. I've been busy working at Massage Envy in Issaquah and I'm bringing in the dough. As much as I miss Chris everyday I try to appreciate the extra time with family. He's already been able to visit once last weekend and will be back up for Thanksgiving. So although our situation sucks I do still have a lot I am greatful for.


  1. Sorry you two have to be apart but I'm glad you have options!

  2. Yeah, so Annie and Tekoi are moving to Utah, the Salt Lake Area. Tekoi just got a job there, so we're sad to see them go, but they'll still be close to other family which is nice for them. I LOVE not working, even though I haven't been nearly as productive as I've wanted to be, but it's just nice to have some time before the baby comes. As of now, my work thinks I'm coming back but....prob not. At least not so quickly after the baby comes. Maternity leave is only 6 weeks after birth - that's too short. official name yet for the bouncing baby but we really like the name Silas. Middle names have proven to be hard to pick. That's nice of you to want to send something. We're pretty covered on most aspects..I'm just down to little things that people don't usually think of (ie. nail clippers, socks, pacifiers, burp cloths etc.) And of course clothes are always welcome :) Hope you are doing well. It's a bummer you and Chris are so far apart right now, I hope you can move back soon! Good luck with everything.
