Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spoiled Sicko

I love being spoiled and Chris does such a good job at it. I've been sick for a month. With a cold that turned into a chronic cough. It's been a long month. Last week I was feeling worn out from all the coughing and just wanted some chicken noodle soup. I asked Chris if he would go pick some up for me and this is what he came home with. I love him so much. 

I've had to take a few days off from school and stay in bed. Chris has been crazy busy with school and work but I have been getting plenty of attention from Stark and Tornado. 


  1. FINALLY, a post! Sorry you got sick. I may have had a little melt-down today about my own family being sick for way too long. It's possible, ya know.

  2. I may have exaggerated a few times and told Chris to get my gravestone ready, yeah that could have happened too. I hope you guys feel better soon.
