Sunday, May 3, 2009

"Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?"

So, lots of long stories short, I did pass my massage board test and have been able to find work at Avalon Salon. I had looked at the web site before moving down here and really wanted to work here. Everything has been working out perfect so I am doing massage and front desk/sales work also. I love working here. Everyone I work with is wonderful and it is a great environment. I feel like I will be able to learn and expand my skills a lot by working here. BTW there is a buy one service get the second one off special going on right now ;)

So, we have lived here for about 5 weeks and we have had the Cops at our door twice now. Yeah. The first was a week ago at 2:45am because we had some teen runaways hiding under our back deck because they were running from the Cops. Last night's episode (around midnight) was because our neighbors had some things stolen from their place. The situation was a little fishy but Chris saw a guy pull in between the houses that evening and the neighbor came over to ask Chris questions so the Officers came over as well. They looked through our very messy house to make sure we were not the thieves (they said this was "standard protocol") and then went on to search the neighbors place. So, paranoid, techie, Chris has priced out some security cameras ext. to install. Ugh, can't these criminals start working regular business hours so I can get my beauty sleep?


  1. Sounds like you and Chris are having some fun adventures in Oregon :)

  2. Hey Jocelyn! I'm glad that you have a blog. That is great!! I had no idea that you and Chris had made a move to Oregon. Good luck with everything!! Will be home for Apple Blossom?

  3. That's right - no more hideaways under your deck! Nic and I are so glad you have moved into our ward! We love hanging out with you two!

  4. Um, check your email as I'll be sending you links on places to live in SAFER neighborhoods! What's your zip code again? :)
